We finally finished moving in our house. That day, Sunday, I also had a baby shower and Donna M.'s house. By the end of the shower, my back started hurting. Which was nothing new for the last couple of weeks. Then Donna, my stepmom, came up and a couple of us went to eat at Colton's for my "Last Supper". I was scheduled for a C-section that next day and wouldn't be able to eat after midnight. I was not thrilled about that. While we were eating my back started hurting even more. When I got home, I started putting the last of Emma's things up in her new room. By about 9 my back was hurting so bad I couldn't stand it. I finally realized that the pains would come and go and would occur about every 5 minutes or so. I called the hospital and they told me to come in and make sure it wasn't anything. I was so embarrassed when we go there, because I just knew it was going to be a false alarm. And I always made fun of people who didn't know they were in labor. So, we got there, and they put the monitors on me and .... sure enough.... I was in labor. AND DIDN'T KNOW IT!!! They told us we would have a baby in an hour. So we started calling our family and told them the news. Emma Nicole was born December 3, 2007 at 12:07 am. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and measured 19 1/4 inches long. I will never forget the moment I first saw her. It was the best moment of my life..... She was so fat and.... red! Man was she red. I think I almost stopped breathing. To me she was a miracle. We had wanted her so badly for so long. I seriously had to remind myself to breathe. (I had a spinal and those things really make you feel weird.) I only got to see her for a minute and then the nurses took her and cleaned her up while Dr. Carlton sewed up my belly. Then Emma and her dad went down the hall to our room so Emma could meet her family. Donna, Delmar, Matt, and Tara were the first ones there. When I got there Delmar and Brian were fighting because Delmar wanted to hold her and Brian wouldn't let him. Then came my mom, Tim, Dad, and Donna. Chuck and Anna drove all the way down from Jonesboro. They didn't get to stay long, because they both had class the next morning... early! Anyway, it didn't take me long to figure out how much this baby was loved. She is very lucky to have such a wonderful family. And so are me and Brian!

This is Emma after her first bath. She DID NOT like it. AT ALL!!!